Have you ever wondered how you know what you know?
That is a question that I really don't have a answer to. I would like to say that I know what I know because I just do, but that would not be the right answer, so I'm going to go with this.
I know what I know from the things that I do everyday. I find myself watching TV and looking on the computer and it is stored in my memory, I guess. The odd thing is that I don't realize when I am learning new things. Now who can honestly say that they remember when and where they learned that odd little fact that nobody knows but them. For instance did anyone know that the capital of Djibouti is Djibouti. And for some reason I knew that. I heard it in this commercial(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPNT5j_OMzw) and that was the only part I remembered. This goes to show how powerful media is when it comes to obtaining new information. I find that learning is second nature to us as humans. There are some thing's that we are taught as we grow things and there are some thing's that we learn on our own. From the use of repetition we are able to remember how to do certain things and that turns into us knowing that information.
I must say that I do believe that media can have it moments when it is reliable for obtaining creditable information. When I say moments I really mean moments, most of the things I see on social media sites, I don't believe are true. Like the commercial with the girl that says she knows what she knows because she read it on the Internet and apparently the Internet it always correct. I feel that personally everything that is put on social media is placed there to grab the audiences attention weather its fact or fiction because someone is going to believe either. Now I don't use Twitter as much as I should or hardly ever but something that are posted I can say may be true as long as the source is reliable. For instance if the I'm following CNN and they posted something about a shooting I would more than likely believe that because in my eyes they are a reliable source of information(even though they can get information wrong too).
Although I cannot really recall a lot that social media has taught me. But today on 04/10/14 I did learn that it was National Siblings Day. I had no clue that there was such a day. Looking on instagram today my timeline was flooded with national siblings day picture. And I think that it is a good idea to have a national sibling day because I did not know that it was a real day until now. But you know I had to do my research to see if it was really a day. And it turns out that it is, Instagram actually gave me some valuable information.
National Sibling Day:
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