Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spring 2016 Colors and Patterns

Spring 2016 Colors and Patterns 


 2016 COLOR 

Now that spring will be here soon it is time to update  our closets with some new bright and vibrant colors.  The 10 spring colors we will find to be very light and airy.  I find them very easy to mix and match. So with that being said we want to wear these colors together and add some prints to them to make them pop as well.  P.S It is still ok to color block. Take these colors and be creative wit how your wear them. 
These colors came from Pantone 2016 spring color palate.

 My Top 5 pick!!!

Of course we will all have our favorites out of the bunch and I have 5 colors that I love, love, love and I will tell you why. 
  1. Peach Echo: You can do a lot with this color and it is very easy to mix and match. This color reminds me of a nice spring day sitting under a tree reading a book. (County girl thoughts lol) 
  2. Buttercup: This is another color that you are able to mix and match with. I would say this may be my favorite color to color block with this spring. I would wear this with Fiesta, Iced Coffee, Snorkel blue and Lilac Gray. Now this color reminds me of a nice cold glass of homemade lemonade!!! 
  3. Iced Coffee: This color has a very earthy feel to me and it is very beautiful. Because this color is a nude color make sure you are careful how you wear it. I love this color, it is a very refreshing and light color that I would color block with brighter colors. 
  4. Fiesta: This color is so vibrant and a great color to wear many different prints with. This color makes  me want to dance!! 
  5. Lilac Gray: This color is very subtle and wonderful to me. I love dark colors but this is the perfect dark color for the spring. Because this is a darker color I would do some color block and print to bring it out more. Y'all know this color reminds me of a nice rain storm in the spring!! ⛈


Ok everyone now to one of the most important things about the spring, prints!!! 
It can be easy to stick to what me know and not want to try new things but this spring we are going to go all out there and try new things. Don't let patters scare you ladies, you have to embrace them because they are very important when it comes to fashion. 
Now we want to make sure we are doing these patters justice, for 2016 we still have our flower print with a little twist as well as geometrical patterns. But don't be alarmed strips and polka dots are still in. 

Flower Prints 

I love a print but my favorite print of all time is the iconic flower print. I personally believe you can wear flowers with different prints. For instance a nice black and white striped skirt and a flower print shirt or blazer gives me life every time I see it... Lol...
Their are a lot of different prints for you to choose from when  
A few examples of 2012 Spring Flower prints 
it comes to this print, but I want you to choose what is right for the occasion at hand.  You can have bright and vibrant flowers that make you feel like you are on a island to classy and subtle flowers that make you feel like a queen. 
Have fun with this print, make it yours and let your style speak for itself!!!
Here are some rules when it comes to flowers:
  • Wear a color to break up the flower so it's not to over powering
  • Do not mix and match flower prints. 
  •  Match your flower print  to the occasion.
  • Don't forget to incorporate the 2016 spring colors into your pattern selection. 

Geometrical Prints

The geo patterns that are in for the spring are just breath taking!!! These prints give a whole new meaning to fashion ( and also my life). This print is a great statement piece, and if you want to turn heads a group print will do it. 
Before we go any further there is a few ground rules about this print.   
Example of 2016 Spring Geo prints
  1.  All geo prints do not go together. (If you put them all together you will walk around looking like a clown lol)
  2. Make the best of the print. Wear things that will make the print be the focal point of your outfit. 
  3. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make this print boring. 
  4. Take it and make it fun, make it your bring out your own style just do over do it. 
Now let's talk GEO!!! 
It is very important that you have fun with these. There are many different patterns to choose from. You have geo's that are really busy then you have the geo's that are subtle. You can style this pattern in many different ways from pencil skirts that have a hint of the design to Blazers and shirts. 

Let's bring it all together!!! 

2016 spring fashion is going to come in with a bang and you want to be prepared. There are a lot of great beautiful colors and prints to match this spring. 
So the one thing I want you to do is have fun and don't be scared to try something different. Play around with the colors and prints, embrace your inner fashionista!!!! 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Multimedia Tools

In this lovely world full of media we have this great thing we call Multimedia. Multimedia is what we use to bring life into our work. I think that Multimedia is one of the best things about technology because being able to add a video or music to a body of work is able to keep the attention of the audience. Multimedia adds a extra oomph that is able to keep the audience wanting to hear and see more. 

Now I do think that some Multimedia Tools are more effective than other because some of them take to much time to put together which can make it harder to use. And then you have some multimedia devices that are only compatible with one type of software. Like the iMovie, I mean don't get me wrong the apple products are great but things like that you have a hard time putting on different devices. Trying to convert the iMovie over can mess up what you had and make it harder to produce a great product. 

Lets take a PowerPoint for example, people have been using them for years and it is one of the most easiest forms of multimedia there is to use. PowerPoint allows you to use music, videos, and picture all in one setting along with words to expand on a topic. It also gives you the option to use different fonts and colors to make the presentation reflect the topic at hand. I don't think power point will ever grow old because they give step by step direction on how to do it.

Creating a Presentation - PowerPoint 2010 - YouTube

I also think that Glogster and Animoto are good multimedia devices to use as well because they add a different look to putting together a presentation.  
  • With Animoto you are able to take video clips, photos,and music to put together a slide show. This multimedia device is one that is used in the school setting. Animoto is also a good device to use because it uses the cloud so it is able to access any information that you put in the cloud to put the slide show together. 

    Creating Your First Animoto Video | Animoto Blog

  • Glogster is like a Blog and a poster all combined into one. This is another multimedia tool that is used in the school setting and is a good tool to use when doing a presentation. Glogster allows the student to express who they are in there work and it also make the projects and presentation they have to do fun to look at. Because technology is used so much now, this is a perfect way to get a poster done using multimedia. Being that you are building a poster using technology gives you more to use and incorporate. With Glogster you are able to add video and music to the poster to make it interesting.   

    Glogster in 90 seconds - YouTube

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blog Best Pratices

Fashion is very important to me and I love to look at Fashion Blogs.

I found a blog called J's Everyday Fashion and I love how she incorporates the different aspects of fashion into everyday life. In this blog she is able to give her opinion on the fashion do's and don't. She gives information on where to get different items and how to mix and match colors.

Some of the best practices of the blog:
1.The blog has a professionally designed logo. Having the designed logo allows the readers to know that she is serious about her blog and what she is taking about.

2.She has a good topic. Fashion is very important in today's society and she gives great idea on how to put colors together.

3.The blog has links to other website and also idea on where to get the clothing items from. This information can be helpful and make the reader want to come back for more ideas.

You can visit her Blog at

Fashion is a Girls best friend!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Joe Paterno's Death(7-2 blog post)

January 22,2012

Dear Community,

Today Joe Paterno was pronounced dead at the age of 85. His long battle with lung cancer came to a tragic end. For his family, friends and the students at Penn State it is very difficult to believe this information to be true. Paterno was the head coach at Penn state from 1966 until 2011 and was the reason the won plenty of game. JoePa was an important part of the community and to the school. Some may think that him being let go from being the coach a Penn State brought on his passing because of his love of football. Paterno's legacy will forever live on through the football team at Penn State and JoPa will forever be loved and highly missed.

Joe Paterno - Penn State - Outback Bowl pep rally 123110 cropped.jpg

Face Book Post

Joe Paterno has passed away today at the age of 85. The former coach of the Penn State football team will forever be missed and loved.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Social Media Sites

When it come to social media there are many different site, and new sites everyday. But there are a few that I think have a great chance in the world today.

  1. Blogs: Blogs are like journals, you are able to share your thought on different subjects with the addition of different images and links to other pages. With blogs you are able to be yourself  with no restraints. Blogs have regular updates and most of the time have information out when it first hits the news.
  2. Podcast:  Podcast are very popular in today's society. Podcast give you the ability to take you music and videos with you. As long as you have a mobile device you can listen to you music on the go. To me podcast are like your own personalized radio that fit to who you are.
  3. Photo Sharing Sites: Photo sharing sites came about and changed how we look at media. With these sites you are able to share your photos with  family and friends with one click. Photo sharing sites make it so we can keep our families and friends who may be far away up to date with our busy lives. and

Between the three of these I believe that Blogs will reach the audience more effectively because it is more personal. I believe that this form of social media would be the most effective because a blog is able to give you a more intimate story. Because it is coming from the point of view of the writer, it captures the attention of the reader quicker and keeps it longer .

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Media and the Truth

Have you ever wondered how you know what you know?

That is a question that I really don't have a answer to. I would like to say that I know what I know because I just do, but that would not be the right answer, so I'm going to go with this.

I know what I know from the things that I do everyday. I find myself watching TV and looking on the computer and it is stored in my memory, I guess. The odd thing is that I don't realize when I am learning new things.  Now who can honestly say that they remember when and where they learned that odd little fact that nobody knows but them. For instance did anyone know that the capital of Djibouti is Djibouti. And for some reason I knew that. I heard it in this commercial( and that was the only part I remembered. This goes to show how powerful media is when it comes to obtaining new information. I find that learning is second nature to us as humans. There are some thing's that we are taught as we grow things and there are some thing's that we learn on our own. From the use of repetition we are able to remember how to do certain things and that turns into us knowing that information.

I must say that I do believe that media can have it moments when it is reliable for obtaining creditable information. When I say moments I really mean moments, most of the things I see on social media sites, I don't believe are true. Like the commercial with the girl that says she knows what she knows because she read it on the Internet and apparently  the Internet it always correct. I feel that personally everything that is put on social media is placed there to grab the audiences attention weather its fact or fiction because someone is going to believe either. Now I don't use Twitter as much as I should or hardly ever but something that are posted I can say may be true as long as the source is reliable. For instance if the I'm following CNN and they posted something about a shooting I would more than likely believe that because in my eyes they are a reliable source of information(even though they can get information wrong too).

Although I cannot really recall a lot that social media has taught me. But today on 04/10/14 I did learn that it was National Siblings Day. I had no clue that there was such a day. Looking on instagram today my timeline was flooded with national siblings day picture. And I think that it is a good idea to have a national sibling day because I did not know that it was a real day until now. But you know I had to do my research to see if it was really a day. And it turns out that it is, Instagram actually gave me some valuable information.

National Sibling Day:


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The World of New Media

There are so many forms of new media in the world today that I cant keep up with all of them. To be honest with you I don't use all of them on a daily basis. The only thing that I really use on a daily basis are Facebook and Instagram. But when I go on these websites all I usually do is look at other post and maybe comment on them. I think I have to much to do in a day to make a status on Facebook or post a picture every day. I would like to use Twitter a bit more but I don't really understand the idea of using because I have only used it for class when I was in undergrad.

Now I do think that social media has influenced my perspective on events that happen in the world. Social media has a way of making you want to know what the truth really is and actually keep up with things in the world. It has opened my eye up to things that I never paid attention to before,  now I am able to know news before it his the news thanks to media it self. For example we are able to see what is going on with celebrities as soon as it hit the tabloids because someone will post it to twitter the moment it happen and that is the same for the weather or thing in the news because it will hit twitter and Facebook before it actually get on the new broadcast. But I do find that all these things are positive  outcomes of  media. To me media has a more positive influence because it allows us as people to express how we feel and let others know what is going on in the world at a moments notice.  But I do think that we have some negative influence's that come about in media because there are some things that we are able to find like on you tube of children fighting and cursing their parents out and children are able to see those things and think that it is ok. I feel like social media is more for the mature crowd because children do not know how to look at the things that are on social media and not take it for what it is, it gives them a negative out look on how to behave.  I know it is a way around the negative things that do show up on media sites but because we do have the freedom of speech it is kind of hard to get rid of it. I just think that adults should be more concise of what we put on social sites for the sake of the children.